This will be my last post for this year, after a real busy December. Every year I try not to get involved in all that Christmas hustle and I never succeed. Nevertheless I was very productive in the studio and fortunate to work with wonderful models. Here are my recent portrait drawings.
Now I want to wish you all happy holidays and a great new year. Cheers!
After a very busy month of December, this is now my last post this year. Every year I try infected by this terrible Christmas rush to leave and I am simply unable to. Still, I was in the studio very productive and had the good fortune of wonderful models to work. Here are my last portrait.
Now I want to wish you all still happy holidays and a happy new year. Until then!

Eve, 61 x 43 cm, Charcoal and Conté on Paper

Manfred, 61 x 43 cm, Charcoal and Conté on Paper

A break during our sketch group session 14, 3.Floor, 1010 Vienna. Since September I am now in my new studio in the Wipplingerstrasse. Thus, it is now time to make an opening ceremony at which I will present my current images.
On Saturday, 11/27/2010 at 18:00 clock, I invite you warmly to the Wipplingerstrasse 14 / 3 Stock, 1010 Vienna. The end is open and who should have at no time this evening, has the possibility on Sunday, 11/28/2010 from 11:00-18:00 clock in the studio to come by.

a small version
. I found the image quite successfully, so I wanted to paint a larger format. It is still difficult for me to translate to smaller studies in larger formats. The larger screen requires a very different pictorial lecture.
The two drawings are studies for oil paintings.

Petra, 43 x 61 cm, Charcoal and Conté on Paper
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