Thursday, December 30, 2010

Mature Women Wearing Nightie

meet customers [26]

"Customers should be more understanding and without prejudice "?

source links:
http://www / German / video_vorurteil.asp


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Japanese Rice Seaweed Mix

know customers are learning [25 ]

" What comes out, if may let off steam some creative people with technology ? "

How to technique Pass [buy me products]? linked ,
the show you: .

What makes sense, which is nonsense: inventions that nobody needs, or immediate solutions to those in need really need, the example of an elderly lady and the midst of the (offline) life - to more than 80 years, her frail Legs, no human, nursing-round care several times a day (for them!) "Unsafe" stair master their toilet must, because the caretaker-only-a stubborn goat, or because, for B . a "wannabe" craftsman rather gets drunk, or issue another like unreasonably high bills to people who in their financial subsistence level (now even have to live on puny pension, for which they have been working for decades, hard) and not all but certain members such as a church community prefer to preach love, rather than to their church tax-paying (and non-paying) Others to take care of loving, etc. - so you will certainly find it on the internet, so (cheap) on-site assistance is no longer a problem, and sometimes (technically skilled) people can play safely times?


Nadine Jansen и Crissy

This will be my last post for this year, after a real busy December. Every year I try not to get involved in all that Christmas hustle and I never succeed. Nevertheless I was very productive in the studio and fortunate to work with wonderful models. Here are my recent portrait drawings.

Now I want to wish you all happy holidays and a great new year. Cheers!

After a very busy month of December, this is now my last post this year. Every year I try infected by this terrible Christmas rush to leave and I am simply unable to. Still, I was in the studio very productive and had the good fortune of wonderful models to work. Here are my last portrait.

Now I want to wish you all still happy holidays and a happy new year. Until then!

Eve, 61 x 43 cm, Charcoal and Conté on Paper

Manfred, 61 x 43 cm, Charcoal and Conté on Paper

A break during our sketch group session 14, 3.Floor, 1010 Vienna. Since September I am now in my new studio in the Wipplingerstrasse. Thus, it is now time to make an opening ceremony at which I will present my current images.

On Saturday, 11/27/2010 at 18:00 clock, I invite you warmly to the Wipplingerstrasse 14 / 3 Stock, 1010 Vienna. The end is open and who should have at no time this evening, has the possibility on Sunday, 11/28/2010 from 11:00-18:00 clock in the studio to come by.

The model and the painter had just left the building. Because of the new studio I painted recently become more studio pictures. From the first picture I made some time ago
a small version
. I found the image quite successfully, so I wanted to paint a larger format. It is still difficult for me to translate to smaller studies in larger formats. The larger screen requires a very different pictorial lecture.

The two drawings are studies for oil paintings.

WrappedBirgit Viv, 43 x 61 cm, Charcoal and Conté on Paper
Petra, 43 x 61 cm, Charcoal and Conté on Paper

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Certificate Of Rent Paid In Minnesota

Marketing - Mix - The 4 P's [40]

Even those P's as P roducts there :-)

"P" as products - Designer furniture, advertising items - stone .

video link:


Pops Popcorn Calories

meet customers [24]

What customers really want:

"refilled bananas and oranges" ? / !

video link:


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Irish Birthday Greetings 60 Years

The power of images [19]

literal video clip?

What a Literal_Video_Clip is (? )


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Desktop Computer Bundles Staples

Marketing - Mix - The 4 P's [39]

The theory of social systems



Betsey Johnson Diaper Bag Betseyville

Marketing - Mix - The 4 P's [38]

Artificial Intelligence: interview with the American computer scientist, inventor and futurist be Raymond Kurzweil

merge man and machine: If the artificial intelligence of the human mind surpass?

More video reports at: