I have not posted for quite a while but I was busy painting. In order to get back into the routine here are two paintings I did last year, continuing the interior paintings.

Odol, 50 x 30 cm, Oil on Canvas Panel

Chairs on a porch going to show some of the places I have been to and some of the paintings I have painted. Last Year I met Dick
Roberts, an American Artist from Wilmington, NC in Macedonia and he invited me to No Boundaries, an art colony on Bald Head Iceland, hey, Gayle Tustin and Pam Toll had founded in 1998. I turned out to be an outstanding experience. Meeting beautiful people and artists and working along with them. If you are interested in some more photos please check my Picasa web album

Dick Roberts, an American painter from Wilmington, NC and he invited me to No Boundaries, an artists' colony of Bald Head to Iceland, he and Gayle Tustin and Pam Toll have established in 1998. It was an extraordinary experience where I met wonderful people and artists and was able to work with them. On my Picasa web album found even more photos.
painting Wayne porch after Steinhof . There is a vast area in which the Otto Wagner Hospital accommodated. It was built as a sanatorium by the famous Viennese architect Otto Wagner boy style. The church is an attraction for tourists. I painted a picture of her, but destroyed it again the next day.
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